

  • More housing options in different areas including supported accommodation (supported tenancies)options
  • Peer mentoring for care experienced young people.  Can we be brought together to learn from each other? Housing drop in or group nights with housing staff.
  • Training for all housing staff around issues faced by care experienced young people.
  • We don’t want the old carpets or furniture to be ripped out of the flats before we move in.
  • Maybe we might want to keep old carpets etc. Give us the choice.
  • No care experienced young people will be viewed as intentionally homeless.
  • Housing staff need to get to know us and build relationships
  • Fulltime housing worker for care experienced young people.
  • More info for care experienced young people on housing. Can you help us add a page on our champs board website with all the info they might need.
  • All care experienced young people to have Wi-Fi in there flats.
  • Link person within the money advice team especially working with care experienced young people.

What we have achieved

  • Focus group held with Andy Cahill, Director of Environment and Champions Board young people to further discuss issues raised within the CB meeting
  • Funds have been secured through the Life Changes Trust Home and Belonging fund to help redesign Connor Road, taking on board the issues raised by young people. Young people will be at the heart of this redesign.
  • 2 named contacts within Money advice and Rights Team (MART) for CEYP.
  • No CEYP will be viewed or recorded as intentionally homeless
  • CEYP will have highest housing priority and referrals will be screened jointly with SW to ensure aftercare provision.