The Family Firm Programme at East Renfrewshire offers one-to-one personalised employability support for our care experienced young people between the ages of 16-26 years old.

What we do

Working in partnership with the Youth Intensive Support Services Team, the service offers practical advice, guidance and further training based on your needs and aspirations. Support can include sourcing work placements, taster days and help into employment and further education. Finding work can be tough, so we work closely with other partners and agencies to ensure that our young people are supported with their employability and have access to opportunities.

Emma Aeppli (Family Firm Coordinator)

Kirsteen Donaldson (Family Firm Support Worker)

Keeping in touch

We keep in touch with our young people to provide information on upcoming vacancies and opportunities in the local area. We will meet with you regularly to help you access work and to prepare you for your next steps.


We post training and employment opportunities for our care experienced young people on our Facebook page. Add us as a friend on Facebook to receive regular updates about opportunities which you can get involved in:

Please get in touch to find out more!