Health and Wellbeing Update - East Renfrewshire Champions Board

Health and Wellbeing Update

Health and Wellbeing Update

We know how important it is to look after our physical and mental health. When we are stuck indoors, it is even more important! There are many ways we can make the best of it, and some involve having fun! Here are a few ideas to get started.


Mental Health

Staying connected with people helps our wellbeing. As we socially distance, it is a good time to make sure we have contact details of the people we care about. Agree regular check-in times with people either by phone or online – this helps people feel connected. If you ever feel overwhelmed, this is normal. Take a break from using social media or watching the news, which can make you more anxious. Staying informed is important but stick to trusted sources of information such as Government, World Health Organisation and NHS websites. Here are some links to help you stay mentally healthy and active. Click on the links in the headings.


HealthiER Minds

Healthier Minds

HealthiER Minds is East Renfrewshire’s guide to supporting the mental wellbeing of children and young people. The new ‘Talking about Covid-19’ includes information, activities and advice to help parents talk to their children and support their wellbeing during this time. There are also strategies to help manage the days at home

and promote the progress of children with additional support needs. The information is being updated regularly by Educational Psychology Service and links are provided to other useful websites. All information is available on the website.


Young Scot


Find out more about what you can do if you are feeling anxious and worried, and how you can support others in your community.

Action for Happiness calendar

Mindful March – daily things to do inMarch to help you be mindful and live in the moment.

Kids Independently Developing Skills

A new website from NHS with information and advice from NHS staff for young people, families and professionals.


Aye Mind


Online resources to help with a variety of mental health issues. Check out the Resources section.


Help For Parents

Help for Parents

This website is aimed at parents who are supporting a young person with a mental health problem.


Physical Health

Children and young people should do two types of physical activity each week, aerobic exercise and exercise to strengthen muscles and bones. Aim for an average of 60 minutes of physical activity a day across the week. Try to avoid sitting or lying down for long periods. Step away from your phone!


PE with Joe Wicks

PE with Joe Wicks

You must have heard of this one by now – everyone is doing it, so please join in!


Change4Life 10 Minute Shake Up games

Change4Life - 10 Minute Shakeup

Games based on famous Disney and Pixar movies.


NHS Free Fitness Ideas

Free NHS fitness ideas

Get fit for free!



These activity sheets were developed by the Care and Learning Alliance as additional play ideas for parents, carers and children.

And finally, one for the parents on Facebook, a new page called Family Lockdown Tips & Ideas has been set up to share ideas for loads of indoor and garden activities.


We will send another update in a few days … good luck with these and stay healthy! The Quality Improvement Team.