The Champions Board East Renfrewshire ‘Young Person Centred To Make Change. . .’

What is it?

The Champions Board consists of a group of young people and a group of adult champions that work within the council.

The aims of the Champions Board are:

  • Empower young people to have a voice and use their own experiences to help others
  • Be a part of a transformational change for East Renfrewshire’s young people
  • Build relationships and create opportunities


Opportunities the Champions Board creates:

  • A forum to build relationships with key people within the council (East Renfrewshire’s corporate family)
  • Influence change
  • Make things better for future generations of care experienced young people
  • Fun activities
  • Making friends
  • Training and learning
  • Team building

Be part of change!

Help us to help you work together, with those who have the power to change processes and policies and improve young people’s experience of care in East Renfrewshire.

What we need from Corporate Parents – The Champions

  • Work in partnership with the young people
  • Commitment
  • Be actively involved
  • Treat looked after young people with the same level of care and support they would want for their own children
  • A positive mindset and a willingness to learn about looked after young people

What we need from Young People – The Champions

  • Your voice and opinions on various issues
  • Your insight and experiences
  • Commitment
  • To be actively involved whenever possible
  • A pro active approach
  • A passion to make things better

Who Can Join?

Any young person aged between 12-26 years from any care setting. Such as; looked after at home on a Compulsory Supervision Order, or away from home.
What we need from Corporate Parents – The Champions

  • We will have a focused core group of young champions who will meet regularly
  • There will be wider consultation and participation events
  • Quarterly (4x a year) meetings with our Corporate Champions
  • We will work on issues that affect care experienced young people and work to improve things